I was delighted when Framebridge called to interview me for their Meet the Artist series. I’d been a big fan of their company and how they help artists share their stories. I was happy to share my own.

In the interview, I talk about why I took up painting watercolors (rather recently actually!) and why I made the switch from oils. Sometimes your next direction is right under your nose. In my case, the push for doing watercolors came from my mom, Delia Wach, also a working artist. With her encouragement, I found that once I stopped controlling the medium, the magic of watercolors flowed through my fingers. I was hooked.

Like many of us, I hope to live up to the people and artists who originally inspired me to draw and paint. And there are still others who inspire me everyday to keep going, even when life becomes chaos and it feels impossible to find the time to create.

Framebridge asked me to share one of my favorite quotes from an artist. That was easy. I think we can all learn a little from one of the true great painters:



- Chuck Close


We all need to be inspired to do great work. Its starts by getting up and doing our job. Hopefully we realize that it's the work itself that inspires us--the joy it brings to people, the places it brings us, the character we build, the relationships we make.

Knowing me, you wouldn't think this sort of steely mindset is what motivates me. I think my time at the New York Academy  where I realized that artists are PRODUCERS--always--regardless of who the muse chooses to visit that day. I know if I was going to make a living at art and be proud of what I make, every day I have to simply show up, ready to go.

I had read, and then learned myself, that something happens when you commit. I know for me I am happier than ever with the subjects I get to paint and the sheer amount of work I am able to bring to people now. In my experience, both quality and quantity can skyrocket once you start treating your work like it’s serious business.




I originally reached out to Framebridge because I saw that through their partnerships with other artists, they were solving a huge problem for both artists and collectors. Framing is very expensive, and often costs more than the art! I saw that at Framebridge, they understood this dilemma enough to offer high-quality framing that my patrons could afford.

Now I get to offer my collectors a totally turn-key framing option. I get to support an American company who just 'get it' and keep it simple and full of value for the customer. Being able to receive my work by mail, already fully framed, has been a godsend to some of my patrons. I love when partnerships like this just make sense, and I hope this helps you color your life with the art you love. A big thanks to Framebridge, who help put my work on peoples’ walls!

I've made it my life's work to both follow my artistic curiosity and to inspire my students and friends to do the same. I'm finally happy, having chosen myself, and what I love to do. And I show up everyday to make it happen. I hope this inspires you too.

PS: I want to mention that Framebridge gives all new customers 15% off their first order. Jump here to go right to the interview, or feel free to ruffle through my watercolors. All the best!!

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