I am a fine artist, living and creating in Providence, Rhode Island studio. I’ve dedicated my life to developing my craft and observing first-hand the creatures of nature that inspire me. My original watercolors, pastels, drawings, prints, and cards celebrate that we are kindred spirits with the creatures of nature. I hope my work helps you slow down in a world teeming with distractions, so you can have your own dialogue with nature.


Holly’s artistic journey ignited at age eight, enveloped by her mother's artistic pursuits, which filled their home with supplies and classes. This early exposure to the world of art sparked a deep passion within her, driving her quest to explore the profound connections between herself, her subjects, and the language of art.

Immersed in the classics, Holly pursued traditional studies at prestigious New York art institutions, earning an MFA from the New York Academy of Art and additional training at the Art Students League and the New York Studio School. Delving into the archives of The Metropolitan Museum of Art enriched her artistic and historical perspectives as she copied master drawings from esteemed collections.

Traversing landscapes across four continents, Holly's art is profoundly influenced by her travels, celebrating the intertwined essence of humanity and nature. Her visual dialogues, particularly centered around birds, embody human-like traits of emotion and intelligence, expressed through vibrant personalities and relationships.

Residing and working in the Northeast US, Holly's art is accessible through her website, art shows, and select galleries, where her works have garnered acclaim and found homes worldwide. Notably featured in publications like the Boston Globe, Providence Journal, and Where Women Create, her pieces have also graced prestigious venues such as MOCA Jacksonville and Audubon Rhode Island. Additionally, her art holds a place of honor in the permanent collection of the exclusive Langham Hotel in Boston.

Highlighting her ability to merge art and science, Holly's collaboration with Google on a large-scale oil painting of the Smoky Mountains for the Quantum laboratory in Santa Barbara, CA, underscores her commitment to fostering innovation. Through direct collaboration with scientists, she creates art that serves as a sanctuary in a technology-driven world, inviting viewers to engage in meaningful dialogues with nature.

Why the Birds

Birds are the ambassadors to the natural world, refusing to disappear, always adapting and persevering. Even in the busiest of cities, sparrows and pigeons thrive, while Peregrine Falcons and owls find ways to make their homes alongside us in our busiest urban areas. Much like the birds, I think of my art as an entry point: the beginning of a relationship to get to know and care about these creatures. I believe the only way to ensure nature thrives is by building genuine fascinations, curiosity and respect for wildlife. In some ways I feel like they are using me to connect. 

My obsession started with a fruiting mulberry tree outside my studio window. One day it burst into bloom and in came the birds - Blue Jays, Orioles, all kinds of species! I couldn't stop watching them, and then, I couldn't stop painting them. Ever since, my eyes have been wide open to birds on the streets of Providence, the beaches of Rhode Island, and the woods of West Virginia. I lose and find myself when I watch them patiently teach their young, clumsily run across the sand, furiously feast on flowers, and gracefully float through the skies. 

Observing, researching and listening to the connections others make with birds generates the energy that I pour into creating my original watercolors, pastels, charcoal drawings, prints and cards. Each handmade piece honors the beauty, intelligence, strength, and playfulness of birds using sophisticated palettes, revealing details, and expressive movement. I return to pieces over and over again, building up careful layers until the bird’s character, personality, and spirit is revealed. I hope my work helps you slow down in a world teeming with distractions, so you can have your own dialogue with nature and draw your own inspiration from your special bird. 

My Process

My artmaking is a journey of discovery and spontaneity, merging Asian and Western influences. Each watercolor begins with a wet-on-wet technique, allowing colors to blend and unfold on their own. I build layers without pre-drawn sketches, letting each bird's unique personality emerge naturally. This method captures the true spirit and essence of my subjects, honoring their beauty with authenticity and depth. Explore more about how I bring these vibrant creatures to life.

Client Testimonials

I absolutely love my paintings. I have purchased 4 prints and each order arrived in a timely manner and well packaged. I even love the note that Holly sends. It’s a nice touch. Very happy with my experience and paintings.

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