The New “Rainbows with Wings” Hummingbird Watercolor Paintings  Collection

Painting hummingbirds has brought me light and hope over the challenging last six months. My time with them in the studio has been pure magic and a vacation from the craziness of the world. This next series of work is dedicated to their beauty and to you. I hope they bring some much-needed joy to your homes as they have to the studio.

My deep-dive during COVID quarantine developed a long-term relationship with these birds and some fellow bird lovers. I connected with birders and photographers. I researched and sketched not just the birds, but their environments and food sources. The work became more calm and confident as my relationship with them deepened and I discovered how to capture their essence.

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About the Hummingbirds

“Hummingbirds remind me that anything is possible.”

Their speedy technicolor zing, their pure resilience, and cutthroat bravado defy the size of their little bodies. Early settlers thought they were fairies!

After weeks of visiting our gardens to stock up on nectar, raise their fledglings, and show off their aerial abilities, they will soon migrate south to warmer climates and a much-needed rest.

The joy they have brought me this season became the perfect pick-me-up during a challenging time. My latest series captures the color, movement, and personalities of these intrepid flyers, keeping our spirits lifted and bringing joy into our homes year-round.


My Process

This time, I was able to record and thus share the entire magical creative process with you. From blurry beginnings, the hummers begin from large brushes in a pool of murky water on paper. Form and shape come into focus, with medium strokes defining their anatomy. Delicate, refined detail work of beak, eye, wing, and feet ultimately reveal each bird’s uniqueness and character.

Hardy lantana, tasty current, butterfly bushes, red honeysuckle, and monkeybrush vine provided the settings. Orchestrating the foliage moved them from being a prop for the birds to be an integral character in a play of nature. Equally bold in color and form, it’s easy to see how plants and flowers work just as hard as hummers to attract what they desire. 

I spent more time on this series than I have in the past, focusing more closely on hummingbird species and getting to know their environments intimately.

“Inspired by their fluid free movements, I allowed the paint to dance freely on the paper and gently let it glide into place. Mixing the vibrant colors made me feel alive and brightened my days. I wanted to bring this feeling to the work.”


Explore All My Hummingbird Pieces here

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